al stewart school

Al Stewart

You may soon have an opportunity to buy a piece of the Swift Current Broncos franchise.

At their Community Interaction Meeting last night, Governor Al Stewart suggested selling new memberships is almost going to be a necessity.

"Those memberships are nontransferable," Stewart said. "Companies go defunct... people age and pass on, and those memberships are slowly dwindling. There is a point in time where the board could theoretically not answer to anyone."

Stewart believes selling new memberships could inject the organization with new blood, give more people an emotional stake in the franchise and raise some much needed capital.

"As that membership base has shrunk over the last two decades," Stewart said, "We have an opportunity now where we can turn that around and actually have the membership base grow.

The board of directors still has a lot of work to do in determining how to structure and value their memberships. They would also have to ensure any plan meets provincial regulatory standards.

Stewart hopes to have the process ready to take to the public within the next year.

Full interview with Broncos Governor, Al Stewart...