
If you're looking for a hot getaway this winter, you're being asked to get advice regarding your health.

The Cypress Health Region is encouraging those planning to travel outside of Canada to receive a Travel Health Consultation before taking off.

"Our public health nursing team has a travel health consultation clinic program that's set up, and they strongly encourage the people who are considering these trips to make contact with them to get together for a consultation," said Bryce Martin, Executive Communications Director for the Health Region. "These consultations can provide a variety of information, not only health and safety tips in regard to the country you are planning on visiting, they can give you some tips on the documentation required that shows your proof of vaccinations, which is a requirement when you travel to some countries."

Martin adds the biggest benefit to these consultations are to ensure you are up to date on immunizations for some diseases and viruses associated with various countries.

"There are different health risks associated with the various countries, and our public health nurses just want to make sure that you are as safe as possible while you are on your holidays, and you can truly enjoy your holiday and you won't have to worry about succumbing to some virus or illness while you are there."

You can book a Travel Health Consultation by calling 778-5280, and you can get more details online at