A catering company from the Herbert area has been named the best wedding caterer in Saskatchewan.

Connie Wiebe's Country Hills Catering was handed the award at the Saskatchewan Wedding Industry Awards on April 14 at Regina's Conexus Arts Centre. 

A month prior, she was named a finalist for the award and beat out Biggar Bites Catering, Food Truck and Eatery for the accolade.

"I was shocked and very honoured to even be there," she said. "It was quite an honour, it was a lovely evening."

Wiebe has worked in the catering industry for 30 years and started her business 16 years ago. For the past eight years, she's spent her time preparing for weddings, banquets, galas, and events inside her facility on her farm.

"It's been a lot of hard work," she said. "As anybody in any kind of food industry knows, it's a lot of work and consistency. It's nice to be recognized." 

Country Hills Catering does more than prepare top-notch tasting food for large groups of people, they also have a frozen line of foods available for pickup in Swift Current, Herbert, and Caronport.