The community of Success and surrounding area held a fundraiser this past Saturday March 2 for eight year old Caden Dawe and his family.

Caden was born with scoliosis and, in his short life, has undergone 17 surgeries. He is due to have surgery and a halo put on in Saskatoon on March 25. He will be in hospital for three months following the surgery, and the fundraiser was looking to assist the family with their expenses.

Dolores Wotherspoon is one of the organizers of the event. She said it was a fantastic evening with close to 300 people out."So we had a potluck supper. It was tons and tons of food and tons and tons of people. Some people had to stand to eat. It was a packed hall. There was a raffle table and silent auction and a pot luck supper."

Wotherspoon says they raised just short of $30,000 for Caden and his family.