A professional counselor in Swift Current has decided to run for City Council

Stacey Ellertson is one of 18 candidates, after a 19th dropped out due to an undisclosed family illness.

Ellertson explains his reasoning for getting back into politics after a brief break.

"It's been 7 years, and I've been out of the loop on purpose because I didn't want to be one of those hecklers from the sideline.

People came to me this time and it was humbling. They said they really like the value-based platform that I provided to the city back then.

They really felt it was needed right now. Because people urged me to run, that's what I'm running for - I'm not running for me, I'm running generally for them," he said.

Ellertson also elaborates on why the city and community is so important to him and his family.

"I've been here for 15 years. We've pretty much raised our daughters here. We know a lot of people- we know what this community is like. We've always loved this city.

It's a passion of mine to stand up for the people saying 'We need people on council who aren't drastic one way or the other and bring a sense of balance'. That's what I'd like to bring again," he said.

Ellertson hopes his background as a counselor and leader will carry him to a seat on council in the October 26th election.

Ellertson and the 17 other candidates will be a part of an early October forum.

The forum will be held at the Sky Centre and will give each candidate a chance to expand on their platforms.