A very special guest will be arriving this evening and the Swift Current airport is making sure they are prepared.

Todd Schultz, Superintendent with the airport details the preparations.

"With the arrival of some fresh snow the equipment has been busy clearing the runways and taxiways in case Santa needs to set down. There will be plenty of reindeer fuel available and maybe even some tasty treats for the big guy too."

Schultz adds that the runway light bulbs are clean and ready to sparkle and the aviation weather forecast looks good with temperatures expected to be mild.

Navigation and radio equipment is functioning at the airport, however, Schultz points out that Santa's sleigh is quite old and is equipped with minimal instruments in communication equipment. This being said Schultz says it will be hard to determine exactly when Santa touches down.

"With limited radar coverage in the area, we won't know exactly when Santa arrives but when he does he will probably be gone in a flash as he has a very busy flight itinerary to complete. The aviation weather forecast does look good and temperatures are expected to be mild."

Transport Canada will also be relaxing some regulations normally applying to most aircraft so Santa can complete his flight without any difficulty. According to a release from Transport Canada "The purpose of the exemption is to allow Santa Clause North Pole Canada to operate a reindeer powered airplane at super sonic speeds with no take off weight limitations and unrestricted access to all Canadian airspace for his annual Christmas gift delivery."


Photos courtesy of Swift Current Airport Facebook page