As 2020 begins to wind down I think we can all agree it has not been a year many of us would like to remember.  The Covid19 pandemic has made it one we can call rough, depressing, sad, challenging, frustrating, maddening, scary and many other words used to describe it that I won't mention here. 

Over the past few weeks though, I have noticed some positives that have come out of it and that is what I want to talk about today.

People's willingness to step up, help out, and give to help their neighbors. The pandemic has made us all realize we're in this thing together and we need to lean on each other, prop each other up, and extend a helping hand now more than ever. The people of this great province and country have always been kind, caring, and giving but Covid19 has seen us take it to the next level in my humble opinion. 

From a personal point of view, the charity fundraisers I've been involved in over the past few months have seen simply outstanding support, even during a pandemic, from all you kind, generous folk including the SPCA Radiothon, Dr. Noble Irwin Radiothon, 50-50 for Change for CMHA - Swift Current, and Toys Days at Canadian Tire.

Talking to local restaurant owners, many say their take out business has increased incredibly since pandemic restrictions have come into effect. 

We're all struggling and trying to deal with this new landscape we're currently in and working to get through but it restores my faith in humanity to see how we've all reached out for each other. 

I could go on for pages and pages about the acts of kindness, caring, and giving I've seen over the months from one group or person to another, it's wonderful to see. 

Also, once this pandemic is in the rear view mirror think how much more we'll appreciate all the things we missed out on this past year. All those things Covid robbed us of, so there's that as well. 

Covid19 has taken alot from us in 2020 and I know so many are hurting. I'm not trying to deny or diminish that in any way but it's given us some pandemic positives too.  Try to focus on those and continue to help each other out as we work to get through this. Stay safe.

(Ken Audette)