Tourism Swift Current hosted a grand reopening last night called 'Chamber on Tap', attracting staple community members, business professionals, and more. 

The event showcased the organization's rebranding and recent move to the Swift Current Mall, as well as announcing an ambassador. 

Rebecca Anderson, chief executive officer for Tourism Swift Current, was delighted to gather the community and show off their brand new location.

"Anyone is welcome," said Anderson. "Just a chance to show off our new space to everybody and make sure they know where we are."

Boston Pizza generously donated appetizers for the evening and various wines and beverages were available at the cash bar. 

The Tourism Ambassador program is new this year, around 6:30 p.m. the ambassador was announced as Ahrian Elevado.

"We are going to do a bit of a ribbon-cutting ceremony tonight, the mayor is here to do a bit of a speech," she added.

Anderson noted the addition of products from local businesses and organizations including limited 57's merchandise, gift sets from Olea Oil & Vinegar, and camping mugs.