The second phase of the province's mass immunization plan began on March 18, 2021. But in some parts of the province, appointments for getting a shot can be tough.

Reports to Swift Current online from one resident claiming that they had been unable to book an appointment because "no clinics were scheduled" were quickly followed up with the Saskatchewan Health Authority.

In an email response, a representative from the SHA said:

"All vaccine appointments across the province are based on supply. If someone cannot get an appointment in their home community, or one closer to it, they will have other opportunities. As more vaccines become available we will have more clinics. Everyone who wants a vaccine will get one."

As part of the SHA's mass vaccination plan, Swift Current is scheduled for both a mass immunization site as well as a drive-thru site.

The drive-thru, as Scott Livingstone, CEO of the SHA explained, is not yet operational for a couple of reasons.

"Everything we bring up is going to be based on vaccine supply coming. But we have a number of other drive-thru clinics planned but they're planned in more seasonal they're not indoor. So as the weather gets warmer you'll see more popping up."

The current drive-thru clinics that are ramping up, according to Livingstone, are in Moose Jaw, Yorkton and Saskatoon as they seemingly chase the growing danger of COVID-19 Variants of Concern (VOC).

For a full look at the provincial government's vaccine rollout plan, visit