Every year, Canada among many other Countries throughout the world dedicate September 10th to focus on suicide prevention. 

The goal is to encourage others to have a better understanding of suicide and the individuals that it affects.  

One in every 100 deaths worldwide is the result of suicide. 

The 2021 theme is ‘Creating Hope Through Action.’ The theme is supposed to serve as a reminder that there are other options available.  

There are many factors to suicide and no one resource works for everybody.  

Suicidal thoughts are extremely complex. Individuals that are suicidal may feel like a burden on friends and family. 

A good start is to show you care. Reach out to the friends you haven't heard from in a while or say thank you in the drive through.  

Even the smallest action can make all the difference for somebody. 


If you or someone you know is feeling suicidal, reach out. 


This phone line is available 24/7 

Canada Suicide Prevention Service - 833-456-4566 


The kids help line is also free and available across Canada 24/7 as well as their text line.  
