Residents and visitors are now able to partake in free fishing throughout the province with the annual free fishing weekend.

First held in the summer of 1989 and was created to “encourage participation in sport fishing and increase public awareness about the value and diversity of angling opportunities in the province”.

During the July 13th weekend, people are welcome to fish in any of the public waters in Saskatchewan that are open to sport fishing, without purchasing a fishing licence. The free fishing weekend does not include national parks, additionally, anyone that is planning to take fish out of the province will have to purchase a licence.

The Ministry of Environment also wishes to remind residents and visitors, all other regulations still apply through the free weekend. These include possession limits, gear restrictions and size limits on some lakes and rivers.

Dustin Duncan, Environment Minister said Saskatchewan offers some of the best freshwater fishing in the world and the free fishing weekend is a great opportunity for people to make memories at any one of the provinces lakes.

According to the province, approximately 250,000 people sport fish in Saskatchewan, with more than 50,000 being visitors from out-of-province.

For more information on fishing in Saskatchewan, click here.