broncos retro jersey

Hockey season is coming up and the Swift Current Broncos need a place to stay when they're off the ice.

Residents of the city with a spare room that wish to keep a player over a season can apply.

"We're looking for somebody who wants to give these boys a home, make them part of their family, get somebody that's interested in hockey preferably. Each player has to have their own bedroom with a window. Usually these boys are down in the basement where there's a family room so they can relax and have their friends over." said Bronco Billet Coordinator Carol Dyck.

Temporary and permanent billet positions are open to the community.

"If it's a permanent player until the season is done, the boys usually prepare their own breakfast and lunch as long as the food is there. Basically, making sure there's a supper there for them every night and family time to socialize, get to know them. Also on game days making sure they got their pre-game and post-game meals." explained Dyck on some of the responsibilities.

The Broncos become a part of the billet families' everyday lives.

"They just become part of your family, you get to know their parents, and you get to know their siblings. You visit with them and I think it just expands your own family, just having another person you almost adopt because you get so close with them." Dyck stated.

For more information on taking in a Bronco for a billet please contact Carol Dyck 306-741-6438.