Tiny skaters were slicing the ice this week as Swift Current's Outdoor Hockey League started its quarter century installment. 

Sharon Walde helps run the no-contact league for kids in the community looking to learn some skills of the sport.

"It's a great way to get the kids out and just have fun playing hockey," she said. "It's just an organized shinny. So even if kids can only make it one time a week, that's fine. We just make teams from whoever shows up that night."

The initiative offers an affordable and fun option for community members, with registration for the six weeks at just $40.

The league goes every Monday and Thursday evenings at the Sheldon Kennedy Rink in Riverside Park. Walde explained that three age groups rotate days throughout the season: five to eight-year-olds, nine to 11-year-olds and 12 and over.

To register, contact Walde by email scohl@shaw.ca or text 306-741-6651.