Music students, along with their teachers, had a chance to show off their talents at a recital on Sunday afternoon.

The Registered Music Teachers of Swift Current hosted student recital in celebration of Canada Music Week at the Swift Current Art Gallery.

Karen MacCallum, secretary for the registered music teachers and was one of the organizers of the recital, said that the concert is a way for the students to show off what they've learned.

"We had such a wonderful variety of instruments and big groups, right down to soloists, so I think it was just a wonderful array of music," she said. "We had a wonderful turnout of parents and other interested people. To have a performance opportunity when you have such a wonderful audience is just another great experience for young musicians."

The recital featured 40 performers from as young as age five.

MacCallum said it's important for the students to perform because it helps them build confidence and give them something to work towards.

"It's very important because then they have a goal to work towards, and we all know that if we don't have goals, we kind of just kind of sluff it off."

She added that Canada Music Week and the recital is just another way of providing performance opportunities for their students.