Yesterday’s meeting of the Chinook School Board saw them discuss the statistics behind the education curtain.

The digital board meeting discussed an engagement status report to convey how their students have been attentive in the classroom, and how it reflects on their marks.

The report went over the Division’s efforts to enhance student engagement.

Teachers and principles have been receiving training on how to help reach Division goals to engage students.

Meetings, coaching, and having teachers analyze their teaching styles, are part of their plan.

Those developments were said to have been of great benefit going into the COVID-19 pandemic.

It was also shared at the meeting that over the past few years, students participated in surveys were reflecting improvements in classroom dynamics.

Forty-one per cent of surveyed students said that teachers regularly checked in on assignments or units to see how students were doing three years ago. That statistic is now being reported at the 75 per cent mark.

Respectful relationships with teachers were up to 89 per cent from 85 per cent in the 2017-18 school year.

They have future targets concerning teacher coaching for educators of younger age students such as those in pre-kindergarten through to grade eight.

Six to 10 schools will also be receiving engagement activities that connect to the curriculum. Those are pilot programs to find out how to implement the resources, which will be utilized by the division by the fall of next year, which will be aligned with the provincial education plan

In terms of what the future holds for the division, the board also stated that they will be ready to continue to educate from afar if they are forced to continue to enact social distancing.

They added that their already-established cyber school has made the transition to at-home learning smooth.