Yesterday, the Chinook School Division released an update on plans to continue with the student’s curriculum for the remainder of the calendar year in the form of a Supplemental Learning Plan.

The school division wants to reassure families that they are supported throughout this process. Kyle McIntyre, Director of Education for Chinook states,

“I want to reassure you. Our staff and I are here for you and your children. In addition to our core function of supporting student learning, Chinook is committed to promoting student well-being, wellness, and mental health.”

Teachers are expected to be back at work on Tuesday, March 31, at which time families will be contacted.  McIntyre adds,

“When school staff returns to work next week, they will be reaching out to all Chinook students and families, offering support, making connections, and advising families of wellness supports available from our school division and through other organizations in our communities.”

Chinook staff will be implementing the use of supplemental learning resources that will be provided to students to support their school success moving forward. 

The supplemental learning plan will take effect on Friday, April 3.  These resources will be available to students in both digital and physical formats, along with a detailed Q & A section for reference.

Division staff are committed to the education and well being of all students during this time of social isolation and want to ensure that measures are in place to continue to meet the student’s needs.

In terms of how students will progress to the next grade in September 2020, McIntyre outlines the process as follows,

“The provincial government has stated that students will progress to the next grade in September 2020. For Prekindergarten to Grade 9 students, this means that they will be beginning their next grade. For Grade 10-12 students, this means that they will receive credit for courses they have started and will move directly to more advanced coursework.”

The Chinook School Division and staff want to thank families for their patience and understanding, as they help to support their children through this challenging time.

Chinook teachers and school support staff will be working throughout the school closures to continue to meet students’ needs.

For up to date information, the division reminds parents to continue to check the Chinook website and other social media platforms and to feel free to contact the school if parents have questions.