The lack of recent snowfall has the city of Swift Current's 2021 snow budget in an ideal position with a month remaining.

Entering the final month of 2021, the City has only spent 70 per cent (or $293,000) of their snow and ice control budget which had $418,000 set aside.

Any surplus at year's end from this budget item would then be shifted to cover off any other budget overages according to Mitch Minken, the general manager of infrastructure and operations for Swift Current.

"So we're likely baring any major event going to come out of the year under budget," he said. "Typically that snow and ice control costs are somewhere around the $425,000 per year."

If a major storm does hit, Swift Current has a priority system in place for their snow removal fleet that focuses on the business district first, then onto main arterial and school zones, and finally collector streets and residential areas (if necessary).

"This ensures that areas with heavier traffic volume and greater significants for the population get cleared first," he said. "We don't as a rule clean residential areas unless we get big storms where those roads are blocked and we have to in there and clean it to ensure access for folks and particularly for emergency vehicles."

Swift Current has three plows to clear sidewalks adjacent to city property including parks and the overpass but the remained is up to property owners.

"In the business area they clean their sidewalks onto the street and then we clear away the street," he said. "Folks in the residential areas they're not allowed to clear onto the street, they have to clear onto their own property and it is their responsibility to get it done to ensure access for pedestrians."

The city's 16-piece fleet for snow removal was tuned up in late September and early October and are ready to roll the moment Swift Current gets blasted with a snowstorm.