Last Saturday, Market Square was the place to be for any fans of fresh chili, emergency responders, or the Center in Swift Current.

Hutch ambulance, the fire department, and local RCMP held their chili cook-off event to fundraise for the youth organization.  Residents were lined up to get their samples of chili before serving had started at ten a.m., and all three departments ran out by twelve-thirty p.m..  

Constable Tony Curti with the Swift Current RCMP said that some of his favourite moments of the event were the shared camaraderie and lighthearted rivalry between first responders. 

"Even folks in the community got into some of the jabs between us, which was great," Curti said.

When all votes were cast and tallied, the fire department got to take home their trophy again, as crowned winners of best chili. 

Deputy fire chief, Pete L'Heureux, said they're excited to have won and that this year had a great turnout. 

"It's a fundraiser for the Center," he noted, "so who won isn't nearly as important as engaging with the community and helping the Center."

L'Heureux said a highlight of being a part of this event is the opportunity to engage with people on a different level than he normally does as a first responder.  He added that while they were busy serving chili, all three departments got to answer questions and converse with the community on Saturday.

The total raised from this fun charity event is $1500.

Next year, they plan to host the same competition to draw in support to the Center again.