
Cooler temperatures have signalled the end of the construction season here in Saskatchewan.

Doug Wakabayshi, assistant director of communications for the highway infrastucture that one of the main concerns for this past construction season was the issue of speeding through work zones.

"Between mid August and the first part of novemeber there was about 1700 tickets issued, including just a little over 30 for speeds in eccess of 100 km an hour, that is a large number and that is concerning," said Wakabayashi.

Wakabayashi is proud of the several construction projects were completed this past summer.

"The big highlights would be the completion of the twinning on highway 11 between Saskatoon and Prince Albert. We also opened the new overpass at the Trans Canada Highway and the West Regina bypass just West of the city that is also providing the major access to the global transportation hub," said Wakabayashi.