CTV's Hometown Tour made a stop in Swift Current in 2012

CTV Regina's Hometown Tour is coming to Gull Lake today.

The tour, featuring CTV News anchor Dan McIntosh and CTV Morning Live host Sabeen Ahmad, will arrive at 10:00am and stop at the Lyceum Theatre, the Gull Lake School, and the Wong Guy Shoe Shop, which recently opened its doors for the first time since the 1970s.

"We want to encourage everyone from town and our rural neighbours as well and our neighbouring villages to come into town and greet the CTV Hometown Tour," said Gull Lake Mayor Blake Campbell. "We were really pleased when we were invited... we'll also have the shoe shop open for them. We'll have a gentleman in there that is knowledgeable in the operation of the shoe shop, so we'll have that open for display as well."

There will also be a barbecue at the school at 12:00 noon, and highlights from the day will be aired on the CTV News at Six tonight.

The Hometown Tour will also make stops in Kamsack, Bethune, Coronach and Pilot Butte this week.