
Doctor recruitment in Shaunavon continues to improve.

Currently, Dr. Baretto from Ponteix holds a clinic each Monday and Wednesday daily from 9:00am to 4:00pm at the Shaunavon Hospital to assist Dr. Louwrens with patient care and on call services.

Dr. Romonee will soon join the clinic at the Hospital after he finishes his clinical assessment, which will bring Shaunavon's physicians up to two full time and one part time.

"The long-term plans are to have, at minimum, three doctors in there on a full-time basis, with the possibility of four," said Grant Browne, Medical Affairs Co-ordinator for the Cypress Health Region.

You can make an appointment to see Dr. Barretto at the Shaunavon Hospital by calling the Hospital front desk at 306-297-2644. Appointments to see Dr. Louwrens can be made by calling his clinic at 306-297-2625.