Folks in Swift Current came together for this month’s Donut Day to raise funds for healthcare in the region, resulting in a successful campaign that generated approximately $1,000.  

The renowned Dr. Noble Irwin Regional Healthcare Foundation once again had immense support from local business Flatland Foods, who generously baked and provided the delectable treats. 

This time around, the focal point of the fundraiser was acquiring a much-needed fetal monitor for the Cypress Regional Hospital, a vital piece of equipment that would aid in enhancing the quality of maternal care and ensuring the well-being of expectant mothers and their infants. 

While the day didn’t quite get the Foundation to its goal, Communications and Development Coordinator Crystal Imrie still labelled it a success. 

“It's not one of our big fundraisers, but like I said before, it's one of those fundraisers that's fun,” she said. “It keeps us out in the community, it gets us visiting some sponsors and some supporters. 

“Every little bit helps. And the doughnuts from Flatland Foods once again got rave reviews. We're so happy to be able to partner with the local bakery for this.” 

Folks contributed by purchasing a dozen mouthwatering donuts for $55, either for their own indulgence or to gift them to someone else. 

Monday marked the day of sweetness and giving, as dozens of volunteers and staff members from the Dr. Noble Irwin Regional Healthcare Foundation embarked on a delivery spree.  

They navigated through the city, delivering the freshly baked donuts to patrons who had pre-ordered in anticipation of this special occasion.  

To Imrie’s surprise, she found that she had multiple orders to deliver to the same location.  

“This go around we had two different people send a dozen donuts to the women and children's ward at Cypress Regional Hospital,” she said. “When I delivered the two dozen donuts the nurses were so excited and they were so surprised that people were thinking about them. You could tell it just really made their day. The proceeds for this fundraiser were going towards a fetal monitor for that unit, so it all just kind of tied together really nicely. And it was really nice for them to be thought about.” 

The success of the Donut Day fundraiser is a testament to the community's unity and their unwavering commitment to bettering healthcare facilities in Swift Current.