An influx of names has been thrown into the race for City Council in Swift Current.

One of the latest names is a local Pharmacist.

Don Robinson, who was a Mayoral candidate back in the 2006 election, says he felt it was time to get back in the race.

"I've been interested in city politics for many years. I just felt at this point that I had something I could offer the taxpayers and the residents of Swift Current, and I thought I'd give it a try," he said.

Don also explains more reasoning behind his decision to run.

"Swift Current is a great place to live. I've lived here my entire adult life and have raised my family here.

It's a wonderful place to raise a young family and I'd love to keep it that way.

In order to keep it great, and growing, we have to make sure that our finances are in order," he said.

The race is heating up, with still over one month to go before the October 26th election.

Yesterday's 4pm submission deadline saw the total of candidate submissions jump to 19 entries.