legislature 2014

The Government of Saskatchewan in collaboration with the Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation (STF) and other education groups have appointed an eight person transition committee to develop a new regulatory body to handle teacher certification and discipline in the province.

The current model is complex, in need of replacement and provides Saskatchewan teachers the same authority and responsibility as other self-regulated professions in the province.

"The same body that was the advocacy body for the profession was also  the same body that was disciplining them. We did review of what was taking place in other jurisdictions and that it was determined. It should be a separate body."  Minister of Education Don Morgan clarified.

The aim is to enhance the integrity of teaching in the province and protect children as well.

The committee is made up of many different groups of educators.

"What we announced today was a transition committee that will help us go through that process. There are Representatives on that committee from STF, The League of Education, Administrators and Director's, School Board's Associations, First Nations Directors and FSIN." Minister Morgan explained.

The committee being balanced is an important measure to ensure the new regulator body is created without any regional flaws.

"We did it by determining who have significant stakeholders across the province. So it will be somebody from the ministry, they likely live in Regina and the rest of the people will be from around the province." Morgan said explaining the selection people on the committee further.

The new regulatory body for  teacher certification and discipline will be ready and running by the fall of 2015.