University of Regina Professor Alex Curros will be talking with local students and parents about cyberbullying today.

Larry Kielo, Principal of OM Irwin School in Swift Current, says Curros spoke with teachers on being responsible digital citizens at the Chinook Teachers Association Convention this fall, and they have invited him to talk with students and parents about it.

"He'll talk to our kids, and maybe even a little more importantly, talk to our parents about what's happening in the era of social media and technology, and just being able to support parents being able to know what their kids are up to and support their kids with becoming responsible digital citizens," Kielo added.

The issue of cyberbullying in Canada is more prevalent than ever, and Kielo says learning how to be more responsible in today's tech-heavy society is very important.

"We're seeing 1-in-5 kids being cyberbullied. We're seeing kids have things happen to them at school, and then not being able to go home without being bullied over their texts with their phones or being on Facebook and those kinds of things," he added. "When I grew up, you'd go home and you would be safe at home, and in today's era of technology, that isn't the case right now."

Kielo says Curros will speak with students at Fairview and Irwin Schools today with Grade 5 students from Central School taking part in the discussion at Irwin this afternoon. He will also talk with parents tonight at a public event from the Irwin School Gym starting at 7:00pm.