Southwest native Marc Habscheid is looking back on his first year as Assistant Coach with the Boston Bruins.

     Habscheid is back home for a week after his first year with the Bruins.  He says it was an interesting year - his first ever as an assistant coach.

     The Bruins were in the playoff hunt for the last 10-12 games of the season before suffering some key injuries which led to some losses according to Habscheid. 

     He says Boston is a great sports town with plenty of tradition.    He says he will pursue a head coaching position in the NHL if one becomes available this summer.

     Habscheid plans to be back and forth over the next few months.  One of his summer highlights will include co-hosting the Nancy Harvey / Marc Habscheid charity golf tournament in July.

     Originally from Wymark, he makes his off-season home at Lac Pelletier just south of Swift Current.