There's always someone who can help and is willing to listen. 

The holidays can be such a roller coaster, going from extreme happiness with holiday cheer to potentially feeling financially stressed and overwhelmed. But there are ways of accessing people who are waiting to help you at any given moment. 

Through the Saskatchewan Health Authority, HealthLine 811 is a service provided to Swift Current residents and people across the province who want to get in contact with a health professional. 

Manager Sangeeta Gupta, said not only do they have nurses ready to help but other professional staff who can provide help in a variety of situations. 

"We also are staffed with mental health clinicians and they are registered-psychiatric nurses and registered social workers. We do get calls for mental health and addictions, however not as much as is need out there. I don't think people are actually fully aware of the services we can provide," said Gupta.

After dialing the number you are connected with someone who provides advise during stressful times, a certain situation or even during a crisis. 

"The clinician would be able to perform triage and then provide you with the best options, determine whether you need to see someone right away or whether you need to make an appointment with a doctor in a weeks time. Additionally, what things can that person do for themselves right now and what supports might they have available to them around the community."

Someone going through a hard time might find it difficult to want to leave the house or venture out to professionals office and risk seeing someone they know. Gupta said one of the many benefits of HealthLine 811 is being able to utilize their services from the comfort of your own home.

"A lot of people feel that being face to face they're not as comfortable as they could be on a telephone," explained Gupta. "They can be anonymous if needed, it's really important for people to realize that there is help available by reaching out, picking up the phone and dialing 811. You don't have to cope alone, help is just a call away."

HealthLine 811 is a free, 24-hour service, and is also available in over 100 languages through translation services.