highway hotline

November was a month filled with severe winter weather and freezing rain, which led to a large number of calls to the Highway Hotline for road conditions.

In fact, the number of calls put in to the hotline in November jumped by 200% over the same month in 2011.

"Our total inquiries for the month of November was about 660,000," said Doug Wakabayashi with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure, "and that includes about 547,000 web visits, with the remainder being phone calls, we're also seeing an increase in the number of followers of our twitter account and our facebook page."

Wakabayashi added with the holiday season approaching he would like to remind drivers as we get into the holidays to continue to check the Highway Hotline for the latest road conditions while travelling.

You can call 1-888-335-7623, or visit highways.gov.sk.ca.