Over the weekend, an event to celebrate Independent Small Bookstore Day, showcase southwest authors, and foster literacy in the community.

The day-long event was hosted by Yellow Canary Books & Stationary in Gull Lake this past Saturday, attracting over 50 people throughout the course of the day.

Tekeyla Friday is a local Metis children's author who wrote 'Prince Prickly Spine' and was overjoyed to read some of her book to the eager children and their families. 

"It's important to acknowledge independent bookstores, as they often don't get the recognition that bigger chain stores like Indigo or Amazon get," said Friday. 

The event also featured a reading from the author of 'We Are Still Here', C. J. Buehler and children's activities, making it a one-stop-shop for everyone.

"Small business owners that are making a niche out of selling good books to their community and promoting local authors like myself," she said.

Additionally there were raffles, 25 per cent off on gifts and stationary, and the bookstore hosted a Sip & Shop from 5 - 7 p.m. with $3 glasses of wine.

"We have a whole shelf of local authors," added Cole Girodat, co-owner of Yellow Canary Books & Stationary. "We have authors from all around the area because we really want to support the writers in this area so they can continue to write as well."

Popcorn, snacks, and juice boxes were available free of charge and anyone who purchased a book on April 27 was entered into a draw to win $1,000 to an Indie Bookstore.