Cypress Health Region 1

June is Brain Injury Month, to raise awareness of these invisible and often undetected injuries.

Marilyn Durant, Associate Coordinator for Acquired Brain Injury Services with the Cypress Health Region, says many people with brain injuries miss the subtle signs and symptoms and options for rehabilitation.

"Everything looks good on the outside, so the patient tries to cope with the difficulties in thinking and in planning and in organizing on their own, and believes that they are somehow inadequate rather than seeing those difficulties they need to work toward rehabilitation," said Durant.

Durant says the Health Region provides comprehensive assessment for brain injuries, counselling and support services, and prevention programs.

"The case management services allow the individual to have the best information available as they rehabilitate. There's also counselling and support services for clients who have behavioural and emotional issues attached to their injury as well as modifications to return to work and return to school," said Durant. "Typically we have 30 to 40 clients on caseload and we have about 10 to 20 clients coming into the program each year or obtaining services from the program."

Those who require these services can call Community Health at 306-778-5280.