Gears are shifting and some new hands are set to steer the future of Cruisin' the Market in Swift Current.

The Sept. 7 car show is annually held as part of the Market Square farmers market in Swift Current. Located in the downtown core on First Avenue Northeast and Herbert Street East, this summer highlight sees hundreds of classic cars lining the streets, with onlookers able to freely wander in and amongst these chrome-clad wonders. 

This year, the City of Swift Current is handing the keys for Cruisin the Market to the Rogue Cruisers, a local non-profit car club. Cory Schultz, one of the co-founding members of the Rogue Cruisers and one of the organizers for Cruisin the Market, is excited to take on this new responsibility. 

"[The City of Swift Current] approached us and asked 'Would you guys be interested in helping out and helping with the organization portion of Cruisin in the Market'," recalled Schultz. "We took it to our steering committee and those guys all thought, geez, this sounds like a good idea." 

With no votes against taking on this project, the Rogue Cruisers agreed to take things over.

For now, Schultz thinks the show will remain mostly unchanged. This year will be mostly for figuring out how Cruisin the Market best operates, and to see where they can make any improvements, if any. 

For now, Schultz and the rest of the Rogue Cruisers are looking forward to seeing everyone on Sept. 7, in addition to their weekly Tuesday night shows at the Living Sky Casino. 

"Hopefully we get some real good weather and the farmers could all be done with harvest," said Schultz. "It should be a good time."