Saturday brought the return of a regular summertime event in Swift Current, as Market Square opened its 10th season in downtown Swift Current.

Southwest residents had the rare opportunity for an in-person event as the province's restrictions continue getting lifted during the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, organizers of Market Square were still not far removed from wondering how the event would be able to operate under the guidelines.

"There was certainly some concern even as recently as a few weeks ago that, 'what's this going to look like? Can we make it happen?'" said Michael Boutilier, Communications and Stakeholder Relations Coordinator with the City of Swift Current.

"Fortunately, we partner with the farmers' market, and we were able to put - albeit a smaller - market together. It's something that the community can come out, support local vendors, get great produce and other items here. It's a real win," Boutilier added.

The reduced and restricted version of Market Square was solely held under the tent in the downtown core. 11 vendors made up the first of the season, though it comes with space for 16 along with the potential for booths outside the tent.

"I think it's been really excellent. It's worked out really well, because the lineups haven't been too long, people can maintain that physical distance - just a nice steady flow for the vendors," Boutilier said. "We figured it probably would be a lighter load the first week, but we expect more probably within a week. So it'll build up more as the weeks go on."

Boutilier said the City calculated that approximately 250 residents came to check out the first Market Square of the 2020 summer season.

With roughly 200 attending in the first two hours of the four-hour event, the City's sights are set on steady growth and - should guidelines allow for it - getting the Swift Current summer staple as close to its previous size as possible.

"The community members and vendors are respecting the guidelines and restrictions that are in place," said Boutilier. "They've been great to work with, and understanding that we need to keep these physical distances, keep everyone safe, and that's really how we're going to be able to grow the market and make it bigger and better as the weeks go on."

The next Market Square is set for June 20.