In celebration of the Canadian Mental Health Association - Swift Current Branch turning 40 years old later this week the City has proclaimed the week starting today as 'CMHA Swift Current Week.'

It was proclaimed at the last city council meeting and the week will run until August 11.

Betty McDougall, president of the Canadian Mental Health Association - Swift Current Branch, said they're appreciative of the gesture by the City.

"We're in a good partnership with the City on a number of levels and it's nice to have the City assists us in creating awareness about positive mental health and what we do at the CMHA branch," she said.

McDougall believes Canadians have taken strides towards reducing stigma on mental health, but said there is still a long road ahead.

"Any opportunity that we can have to create awareness and have folks realize that just like good physical we need good mental health," she said. "If we have a cold we tell people we have a cold, we're not quite there yet when it comes to mental health issues."

The Swift Current branch will be holding an open house with a barbecue at their building on Wednesday during lunchtime (11 a.m. - 2 p.m.) in celebration of their 40 years in business.