It was beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon that provided a great backdrop for the Saskatchewan Blue Cross MS Walk fundraiser in Swift Current.

Over 80 people participated in the walk that raised money to fund research to find the cause, better treatment, and cure for multiple sclerosis (MS).

Laurel Gording, the MS coordinator for the Swift Current walk, said that the day went great.

"Luckily we had a beautiful day weather-wise," she said. "That always brings more people out and over the years we've seen an increase in walkers and families coming out. It's just an enjoyable day for the family to come and join in with us."

Gording added they raised $11,513 with more donations coming in. She said that they hope they can raise over $20,000 for the MS Society.

About 3,700 people in Saskatchewan are living with MS, and over 10,000 Canadians nation-wide live with it.

Currently, there is no cure for MS, but the money raised from the 134 walks held across Canada help the MS society fund research to find the cause of MS, develop better treatments with fewer side effects, and possibly cure the disease.

In Saskatchewan, walks have already been held in Saskatoon and Regina. Eastend, Prince Albert, Yorkton held theirs on Sunday, with walks in the Battlefords, Melfort, Moose Jaw, and Weyburn still to come later this month.burn being held later this month.