A new management position has been created with the City of Swift Current, and a leader well-known by the community will be filling the role. 

Melissa Shaw, most recently known as director of the Swift Current Museum, is now the General Manager of Cultural and Aquatic Services.

"I am going to maintain the museum director position," Shaw said. "I'm going to be the management of day-to-day operations as well as financial management. And then I will be providing guidance and mentorship to the art gallery director as well as the aquatic manager. And then I'll be helping to answer some City questions and work with groups that do events in our community. It's quite an exciting portfolio."

This new title will entail the general management of the Swift Current Museum, the Art Gallery of Swift Current, the Aquatic Center, and Fairview Pool. Shaw will also be liaison with culture festivals in the area.

The former General Manager of Community Services role has been now split in two, as Jim Jones steps into his permanent title of CAO for the City, with Melissa taking on some of those duties.

“I am really excited to continue working with the community,” Shaw said. “There's such a great diverse area that I get to work with now, that I'm going to get to see so many different people from different walks of life and continue to help make Swift Current a better, stronger community.”