
The City of Swift Current is creating a new bylaw that sets out the guidlines of temporary sign usage in and around the city.

"We're trying to find the balance between clutter, we want to keep our city looking neat and tidy from the signage perspective," said Mac Forester with the City of Swift Current about the thought process behind the by-law, "and yet allow the need for advertising to be addressed, given commercial businesses and also community events."

There is two different types of signage, and the new seperate by-law is aimed at making temporary sign rules within the City of Swift Current.

"Temporary signage is quite a different style of advertising, and following our investigations we found in other municipalities, typically in larger centres, we found the same similar findings that it's better to have a seperate by-law to deal with temporary and just leave the zoning by-law to deal with permanent."

Forster added that the reason for the seperate bylaw is to clarify what is a temporary sign and a what is a permanent sign. He also says that it will make it easier to enforce temporary sign law's.