
Osten Poh is a pretty regular nine year old kid, the only exception being most nine year olds don't donate their time and money to helping those less fortunate in the community.

Osten started up a program, which he runs in conjunction with the local Salvation Army called the Dairy Department, which donates dairy products to local food banks.

"The Dairy Department is an organization that helps people that don't have enough money for food," explained Osten, "because they have cereal, but they don't have milk for their cereal?! So we thought it would be good for me to get the dairy so I can help the people that don't have enough money for milk and margerine and stuff like that." Full Interview with Osten Poh

He added they won't be accepting cash or cheque donations with this program.

"You can go down to the store and buy a co-op or safeway card, and then bring it into the Salvation Army, and we'll use that money to help with the dairy products."

He noted the Salvation Army currently only includes dairy products in their food hampers at Christmas time, so attached to each food hamper from now on will be a Dairy Department card with Osten's name on it to show the inclusion of dairy items was a result of Osten's desire to help those in need.

Osten has been recognized at his school for his helpfulness and compassion, and he said he has always really liked helping people less fortunate than him.

"A couple years ago, I donated $214 down to the Salvation Army so they could have presents for Christmas, because if I was one of those people who didn't have that, and the other people were just keeping their stuff, I might want some food or toys, so it's just kind of nice."

The long-term goal is to reach $30,000 in gift card donations within two years, which he believes is completely attainable, knowing the genorosity and support of our community.

If you're interested in helping him reach his goal, you can contact him or his mom Ramie at 306-774-3433, or Lorraine Jansen-Unrau at 306-778-0515, Ext 227.

Osten is going into Grade 5 this fall at Oman School and is excited to keep coming up with more ideas on how he can help people.