Fresh Start Winter

Every Wednesday, Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen provides a hot meal to the public at no charge.

On November 20th, 2007, Our Daily Bread served its first home cooked meal out of the Modern Restaurant. Since then, the program has expanded to its own location, where it serves roughly 40 to 50 people every Wednesday at 4:30pm in conjunction with Fresh Start.

Soup Kitchen Coordinator, Arlene McKenzie, says there is no criteria to attend the meal.

"Our guests vary from babies in highchairs to senior citizens. Often we find that the guests gather earlier in the afternoon. Some come to get their favourite seats, and just the sense of community, they like to come and sit and visit," she says. "The main goal is to provide a sense of community, a place where you are welcome with no judgement whatsoever, and a comfortable atmosphere and good wholesome food. As well as the actual meal that evening that is served, we also send some sort of a take home snack, consisting of some fruit and a muffin or something like that that provides a little bit of added nutrition during the week."

McKenzie adds volunteers are always welcome, and opportunities to help out can be found at

Tonight, Our Daily Bread will serve a Christmas meal for anyone wishing to attend, located at 214 1st Ave. NE.