speed sign

Local law enforcement were busy catching speeders through the month of July, with SGI saying more than 4000 drivers were issued speeding tickets in Saskatchewan during their month-long traffic safety spotlight on speeding.

"If we look at the breakdown, 3820 of those were for aggressive driving or speeding, 142 for exceeding the speed limit by 35 kilometres an hour, 67 for exceeding the speed limit by 50 km/h, 28 for exceeding 60km/h when passing an emergency vehicle, and three for driving double or more the speed limit." said Kelley Brinkworth, Media Relations Manager with the Crown Insurer, who adds it is a surprising number, especially after new traffic laws went into effect that brought harsher penalties for some speeding offenses.

"Police can now seize a vehicle, so there are a couple of those offences like the exceeding the speed limit by 50 kilometers per hour or double or more the speed limit," she added. "Those result in a seven day vehicle seizure as well, so that's immediately at the side of the road, they can take that person's vehicle."

Brinkworth added police issued 426 more tickets for seatbelt violations, 544 tickets for distracted driving with 457 of those for using cellphones behind the wheel, and 16 impaired driving charges.