The Progressive Conservative parties in Ontario and Nova Scotia both had their leaders step down on Wednesday amidst allegations ranging from workplace harassment (in the case of Jaimie Baillie in Nova Scotia) to sexual assault of teenagers (Patrick Brown in Ontario).

The PC Party of Saskatchewan's president, Grant Schmidt, doesn't expect their party to get a bad rap because of the events in other provinces.

"There'll be no spillover from Ontario. These are individual cases," he said, adding that sexual harrassment is a challenge for all of society, including every political party.

Schmidt, who is a lawyer out of Melville and former attorney general in Saskatchewan, does believe Brown is in the wrong.

"His five senior people - employees of the PC Party - believed the women and resigned. And they should have known what they are doing. So he's already been judged by his employees, if he's the leader, basically all of the senior people in the party there - five of the employees resigned - when he wouldn't resign. So he really had no choice because his crew believed the women and they were in mutiny."

Just yesterday Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took the resignation of Kent Hehr from cabinet after allegations of inappropriate sexual remarks while an MLA in Alberta a decade ago.

Swenson talked about how being before a court for a criminal matter is very different than trying to represent a sea of constituents.

"A court of law is 12 of your peers judging you; politics is 10,000 of your peers judging you. So [Brown's] not been charged with a crime. If he didn't do this, it would be a great injustice. I said 'if' though. That'll have to be determined by the courts if he thinks that the accused are lying, he can sue them and the courts - or a judge or a jury of his peers - will decide if they're lying and he's been run out of office, or whether he was doing something wrong... If he sues these women who accuse him, and if the courts believe they're telling the truth, that's a defence to slander and liebel. But when you accuse somebody you better make sure that you are telling the truth. I believe those women."