Swift Current RCMP remains concerned about drugs, particularly the trafficking of prescription drugs, cocaine and crystal meth.

Staff Sargeant Gary Hodges attended a recent meeting of City Council where he was able to give more details on the numbers.

"Crystal meth, not that we're seeing a lot, it is here, it is very highly addictive. Not to say we're worried more about one drug than another, crystal meth studies shows that it takes one time use to be addictive so its the most concerning for us."

A doctor in Nova Scotia has recently been charged in connection with prescription drug trafficking. Dr. Sarah Dawn Jones has been accused of faciliating a 20 month scheme, allegedly prescribing 50 thousand oxycodone pills and other substances to a patient.

Hodges references studies that show abuse of drugs like crystal meth and cocaine often stem from softer.

"People build tolerance, then they need something stronger to attain that same high," says the RCMP member. "It all comes down to supply and demand. If there's demand for it people will find a way of getting it."

Earlier this month, well respected drug and alcohol educator Rand Teed spoke to the public for more information on drugs and alcohol.

The event was put on by the Swift Current and District Drug Task Force and the Cypress Health Region.