Despite the efforts in education, and the threat of large fines, the message about distracted driving does not seem to be reaching the people of Saskatchewan.

In November police across Saskatchewan reported a record-breaking 636 distracted driving offences, including 545 related to cellphone use, which shattered the old record of 549 set earlier this year in September.

Tyler McMurchy, media relations with SGI, said that he believes the record numbers of distracted drivers caught could be a result of law change earlier this year to distracted driving.

"Part of the increase could be the law having been changed at the start of the year," he said. "The law makes it clear that you're not allowed to hold, use, manipulate, or view a handheld cellphone while operating a motor vehicle. We think to make that law stronger made it easier for police to lay a charge and make it stick when they see somebody using a cellphone."

McMurchy added that another reason for the increase could be that police understand the significance of a traffic safety issues that distracted driving is.

The penalties for distracted driving in Saskatchewan are a $280 fine and four points on your licence, and if you get caught a second time on your phone within a year, it's a seven-day vehicle seizure.

"When you're operating a motor vehicle your responsible for 4000 pounds of glass and steel that deserves your full and undivided attention," McMurchy said. "It's not worth the risk, not to mention that fact that it's illegal, it's dangerous, and it will cost you. No text, no tweet, no Instagram post, no selfie is worth potentially injuring or killing somebody."

McMurchy added that despite the record number he thinks that people are starting to notice that distracted driving is a significant traffic safety concern.