The Swift Current Fire Department is a utility utilized by many communities, far and wide.

This year saw the renewed agreements for five rural municipalities (RM's) regarding Rescue Services.

These RM's will be able to call upon the Fire Department for specific tasks and rescue operations that their own volunteer groups may not have the training or equipment for. 

Ryan Hunter, fire chief for the Swift Current Fire Department, was adamant that the renewal of these service agreements is beneficial for the department and the RM's, in that they allow them to recuperate a majority of the service fees.

"As a component of these rescue agreements, we delegate our rights to recover costs from SGI to the respective municipality," said Hunter. "This strategic approach allows the to recover approximately 65 per cent of the incurred costs."

The only difference between these renewed agreements and the old ones, is an increase of $100 per year over the next four years, starting in 2024. 

This year will be $1,900, 2025 will go up to $2,000, 2026 to $2,100, and 2027 stopping at $2,200 once this term runs out. 

Swift Current city council was in favour of these changes, approving them at the last regular city council meeting.