Two spots on the council for the Rural Municipality of Swift Current #137 will be determined in elections today.

"In Division 4, incumbent Jerry Knipfel is running and Mark Carefoot, and in Divison 6, we have incumbent John Phillips and Gale Nerada," said RM Administrator Linda Boser. "Voting is open to the ratepayers that live in Division 4 or 6, or have land in Division 4 or 6."

The polls will be open from 9:00am to 8:00pm in council chambers at the RM of Swift Current office at 2024 South Service Road West in Swift Current. Boser is reminding voters coming to cast their ballot to remember to bring identification.

"They'll need photo ID, or if they do not have photo ID, two pieces of identification, one of which has your address on it," she added.

The votes will be counted at the RM Office tonight, and the results will be finalized by Thursday morning.