SGI is reporting some alarming statistics coming out of Saskatchewan's school zones.

They say that 1,441 tickets were given to drivers in school zones during September.

Of those, 1,424 were for speeding in a school zone, 13 for not yielding to a pedestrian, and four for school bus conduct infractions.

That is up from last year, when 956 school zone speeding tickets were issued in September.

SGI says that they would mark those driver's report cards as "much more room for improvement."

The Crown's manager of media relations, Tyler McMurchy, said that they hope the enforcement lowers the amount of ticketable offences in school zones.

"They're getting a very expensive reminder, not in the form of a letter sent home to their parents by teacher, but in the form of an expensive speeding ticket."

For going 20 kilometres over the speed limit in a school zone, you can get a $310 ticket.

September's SGI traffic safety spotlight was on school zone safety.

McMurchy said that a few factors might have been inflating the statistics.

"We know that some of these numbers are a result of vigorous enforcement in school zones. Police are enforcing traffic law safety and traffic law in Saskatchewan at a rate that is unprecedented."

He added that some cities, such as Swift Current, have also lowered school zone speed limits, which could also be influencing the number of speeding tickets handed out.

Enforcement by police, and public awareness by SGI are ways he said they could reduce the amount of offences they see in school zones.