SaskPower is letting customers know that they are currently experiencing delays regarding the shipment of their bi-directional meters to customers signed up with their net metering program.

The net metering program allows SaskPower customers to install typically solar installations on their property. Customers will be allowed to generate their own power with excess power going back into the grid which will give customers credit that they can carry over into the winter months.

Bi-directional meters allow SaskPower to track power coming to their net metering customers from the grid, as well as solar power going out from the customers to the grid.

With the meter delays happening across Canada and the U.S. with various meter manufacturers, SaskPower is telling its customers that when the meter shipment arrives in the coming weeks they will carry out the installation process as quickly as possible.

Net metering customers who have not received a meter within 30 business days after their final electrical inspection will receive a calculated credit on their bill to minimize the financial impact of the delay.

In the meantime, net metering customers that have passed their final electrical inspection can also apply for the net metering rebate before receiving their bi-directional meters.

Under normal circumstances, customers would have to wait until their meter is installed prior to applying for the rebate.