The Leader Integrated Health Care facility had its official start with a sod turning ceremony on Friday, Dec 17.

Minister of Rural and Remote Health, Greg Ottenbreit was on hand to commemorate the start of the project.

He explains the design idea behind the development of the new facility

He said, " We focus on making sure we can maintain these services in rural areas, and this is going to be a good addition to the Leader area by integrating all these services under one roof, connecting everything. We will make everything a lot more efficient and effective but also, fist and foremost, it's a lot better for the patients and their families."

everything a lot more efficient and effective but also, fist and foremost, it's a lot better for the patients and their families."

Bev Vachon CEO for Cypress Health Region was on hand and feels that the need to be transparent with the funds for health care dollars is important

She said, "Our resources are limited and we want to ensure that our money actually go to providing healthcare services. So when we are actually having to maintain a number buildings. That doesn't feel good when you have a half million dollars to replace a roof and you got 4 roofs potentially in one community.

The facility will house the Current Long Term care center as well as acute care beds, an Emergency department, ambulance service and Primary Healthcare Center.

The project is a capital project of  $12 million.

The provincial government is contributing $9.6 million toward the project, which represents 80 per cent of total project costs.  Local funding will cover the remaining 20 per cent.