Southwest Homes has plenty of vans, but they are rapidly aging out. 

Rather than waiting for the wheels to rust off, they are taking a proactive approach to fundraising for a new vehicle this year. Their target is $165,000. 

The new transport van is not dissimilar to the one that the Silver Wings Access Van Inc. group managed to fundraise last year, and would be capable of transporting individuals with wheelchair dependencies. 

Leah McDonald-Perrault, the executive director for Southwest Homes, is confident that the van will make a huge difference in their member's ability to get out and enjoy the community.

"As we look forward, we're looking to replace some of those vehicles with the larger, fully accessible vans," said McDonald-Perrault. 

The first step towards achieving the fundraising total is already in the bank, with $20,000 already on hand. 

The next step will be made in partnership with Reverdene Greenhouse. Folks looking to support Southwest Homes can purchase their spring garden at Riverdene, and if they make sure to select plants marked for the van, proceeds will go to the grand total. 

The poster for the fundraiser. The poster for the fundraiser. 

"They can just select the plants that they want on pre-order, fill their cart up and pay for them online, and then on May 6, they go to Riverdene to pick them up," explained McDonald-Perrault. 

Anyone looking to get in on the fundraising action, can direct their green thumbs to the Riverdene website, and click on the fundraisers page

Anyone looking to donate to the van directly can go to the Southwest Homes website, and click the donate button

"If anybody wants to partner with us on a fundraiser, we'd love to chat," said McDonald-Perrault. "They can do that just by calling the Southwest Homes office."