There's good, safe Halloween fun for youth in the Swift Current area as the Kiwanis Club of Swift Current presents the 35th annual Spookerama tonight.

"It's something that we do for the young men and women of Swift Current to give them a very safe and extremely fun place to go on Halloween night, so that parents know where their kids are and they know they are being looked after," said Mike Kesslar with the Kiwanis.

The junior dance for middle years students goes at the Lt. Col. Clifton Recreation Centre from 7:00pm to 11:00pm, and the seniors dance for high school students is at the Palliser Pavillion at Kinetic Exhibition park from 8:00pm to 12:00 midnight.

"We have a costume contest, we've got a DJ there playing music for us, and tons of prizes," Kesslar added. "There's free hot dogs and pop and the whole event is absolutely free."

While Spookerama is a go for tonight, the Kid's Harvest Festival at Alpine Church of God has been cancelled after seven years. The event had games and activities for kids 12 and under, and was also a fundraiser for the Southwest Safe Shelter.