Christmas is getting closer and closer and with Christmas comes the celebrations and parties!

Whether it be a work party or a personal party it's important to remember to not drink and drive.

"Sometimes we see a higher number of accidents  where there is alcohol involved." Said Ben Fensom with addiction services with the Cypress Health Region.

"It's important to plan a safe ride home, try and do that in advance before going out. A large number of the fatalities are on Saskatchewan roads and they are very predictable." Fensom added.

Other pieces of advice include leaving money in a jar for when you get home to pay for a cab ride, get a designated driver who may be participating in the festivities or not drinking at all.

According to the Canadian Substance Abuse Centre it is recommended that men drink no more than 15 drinks per week (no more than 3 per day) and women drink no more than 10 drinks per week (no more than 2 per day).

Fensom adds that you should wait until you are 19 years of age before drinking, as alcohol slows down brain development and it is illegal for persons 18 years and younger to purchase alcohol.

The holidays may also be a difficult time for someone who has an addictions problem. Anyone who needs help is encouraged to call 306-778-5280.